Dental balance and relation to the body.

Green Osteopathy - 11 mars 2023

This horse was seen in September for osteopathy and dental. His body responded well and his teeth were nicely balanced. In the past 6 months, he created this compensation on his corner right incisors. The angles of the top and bottom incisors don’t match anymore causing pressure and tension in those teeth, the jaw and up to his right TMJ. He’s right TMJ had become compressed (building up of gas and tension in the joint) and was restricted (immobile) in an upwards and backwards position, not able to move forward anymore. This affects his chewing and therefore his digestive tract plus movement of other structures in his body. It’s all connected. After lining up the angles, the pressure and tension in the TMJ came off immediately. But it wasn’t until the right hip was released, that the right TMJ was able to free up again from its immobile position. In this case, the restriction in his right hip had caused tension up the lateral facial line towards the right TMJ, causing the restriction in the TMJ and compensation on these incisors. That compensation (misalignment of the angles) caused upwards tension again into the TMJ.Dental balance and freedom of movement in the body go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. These seemingly little imbalances have far reaching consequences.